Fly Delta One (First Class) for 39K American Express Membership Rewards Points

Transfer American Express Membership Rewards Points to Virgin Atlantic and Receive 30% More Virgin Atlantic Miles- Ends September 12th
Until September 12, 2018 American Express Membership Rewards is offering a 30% Bonus Transfer to Virgin Atlantic Flying Club Miles. American Express occasionally offers these transfer bonuses to there various transfer partners. This can offer tremendous value. Why is this so valuable? Well, most people do not know that Virgin Atlantic has Airlines Partners that allow you to use Virgin Atlantic Flying Club Miles to Book there partners. For Example, you can Book Delta Flights using Virgin Atlantic Flying Club Miles, or ANA (All Nippon Airways), Air China, Virgin Australia, Air New Zealand (Not Much Award Availability, but you can get lucky), and more. I am going to show you how to Book Los Angeles, California to Amsterdam, Netherlands; however, there are many more ways to book, for example;. Los Angeles to Tokyo, and Los Angeles to Paris which are pretty common to find. So Before you decide to Transfer American Express Membership rewards points to Virgin Atlantic Flying Club Miles lets make sure these destinations are available. Just FYI, award availability is random with Virgin Atlantic, so it would be good to book in advance maybe 6+ Months. Head to and if you are not already a virgin Atlantic Flying Club Miles Member then Join The Club. Click Join in the top left corner of the website at Once your are logged in go to Click “Book” and then Click “Book a Flight.” The Virgin Atlantic Website is a little wacky and I will explain why in a few moments. Once your on this screen below enter your Origin Location which in this case would be Los Angeles, and this is where it gets a little wacky. For Some odd reason when you put Amsterdam, Netherlands (AMS – Airport Code) into the destination, you will notice the Clickable Button for Miles (Instead of Cash Ticket) fades and you no longer can click “Pay with miles.” This is something that Virgin Atlantic Needs to Fix on there back End in there Computer Department or maybe they do this on purpose, it would not surprise me. See picture below to see what I am talking about.
So instead of inputting Amsterdam, Netherlands into the destination we will type put London, England in the destination. You will notice when you put London, England as the destination the Button “Pay with Miles” option appears and is now clickable. See below picture.
Don’t worry we are not going to London. We are simply going to work around this glitch to be able to book a Los Angeles to Amsterdam Award ticket. If you want to go to London, Virgin Atlantic fly’s there non-stop; however, if you fly Virgin Atlantic it is going to cost you more miles and more in fees then booking there partner airlines. Flying Business Class on Virgin Atlantic will cost you 67,000 VA Miles – 90,000 VA Miles and $500.00 in fees!!! We will talk about this in a later post. For now I want to maximize my use of virgin Atlantic miles and play as close as possible to $0.00 in fees. Now that you have Los Angeles, California as your origin and London, England as your destination click “Within 5 weeks”, then click “Pay with Miles” , and then click the advanced option and click Upper Class. We are going to book a Delta One Ticket (Business\ First Class) ticket using Virgin Atlantic Flying Club Miles. Lets put February 2019 Dates because I tend to find more flights on virgin Atlantic when I book quite a few months in advance. Finally, click “Find My Flights.” Your next page should be something like the below example.
Upper class to London 67,500 VA Miles – 90,000 VA Miles and $526, OUCH! Ok, now that your here, click the refine search button in the right hand corner. When you click the “Refine Search” button the window will expand. Click where the destination is (London) and remove London, and now put Amsterdam, Netherlands (Airport Code- AMS) in the destination. If Amsterdam, Netherlands (Airport Code -AMS) does not automatically show up, click the purple pin and a list of countries in alphabetical order will come up. Locate Amsterdam, Netherlands. Once Amsterdam, Netherlands is clicked make sure “Pay with Miles” is clicked (You will notice that it is clicked but faded, this is good), “within 5 Weeks” is also Clicked, and your dates are correct, in this case I chose February 2018. See below picture for example.
Click “refine search.” BOOM! Now you should see “Upper Class” (Delta ONE) Flights at 50,000 + $5 (Fees) to Amsterdam, Netherlands. See Picture Below for Example.
Let’s take a closer look at February 04, 2019 Flight, From Los Angeles, California to Amsterdam, Netherlands.
NON-STOP 50,000 Miles LAX (Los Angeles) to AMS (Amsterdam, Netherlands) + $5.60. WOW! Lets look at the same flight if you were to book on using Delta Miles. American Express Membership Rewards also transfer to Delta Airlines (Delta Miles); however, why would you transfer to Delta Airlines if it is going to cost you 86,000 Delta Miles when you could book the same flight for 50,000 using Virgin Atlantic Miles at See what it would cost if you booked on below.
86,000 Delta Miles! Wow. I am going with Virgin Atlantic. Right Now it gets even better!! Like Mentioned above American Express if offering a 30% Transfer Bonus From American Express Membership Rewards Program to Virgin Atlantic Flying Club Miles. You can get this flight for 39,000 American Express Membership Rewards booking through Virgin Atlantic. If you were to transfer 39,000 American Express Membership Rewards to Virgin Atlantic you will receive 50,700 VA Miles, enough for one way from LAX to AMS in Delta One. Check out below flights to Paris, France (50,000 VA Miles) and Tokyo, Japan (60,000 VA Miles) using Virgin Atlantic flying Club Miles in Delta One. See pictures below.
Start Booking!!! If you do not know how to Transfer American Express Membership Rewards Points to Virgin Atlantic Flying Club Miles Please Check Out my Video Tutorial on My Instagram EyesOnThePoints.