Amex Everyday Preferred Credit Card – The Best Rewards Credit Card for Groceries and Why You Need It!

American Express Everyday Preferred Credit Card and why You NEED THIS CREDIT CARD! APPLY NOW
This American Express Credit Card is Named exactly as it should be, “American Express Everyday Preferred.” It is my preferred credit card that I use every single day. Go Figure. Lets get right to it and talk about the earning potential, 3x Amex Membership Rewards Points on groceries, 2x Amex Membership Rewards Points on gas, 1x Amex Membership Rewards Points on everything else; however, it gets MUCH BETTER. Follow me here because it can be a little confusing.
When you hit 30 transactions in a statement period on this Amex Everday Preferred Credit Card you get 50% additional more points. So you could potentially receive 4.5x American Express Member Rewards Points on groceries, 3x American Express Member Rewards Points on gas, 1.5x American Express Member Rewards Points on everything else. It Should Be Noted Groceries are maxed out at $6000.00 a year Per Credit Card. If your able to Open the American Express Everyday Preferred for yourself and your Significant Other you could have a max of $12000.00 in the Groceries Category, allowing you to potentially earn $12,000 x 4.5 Amer Membership Rewards Points = 54,000 Amex Membership rewards points. Head Here to Find out what you could use 54,000 Amex Membership Rewards Points on. $12000.00 a year on groceries is a lot of groceries. Even if you do not spend the entire $12000.00 whatever you do spend on groceries you will get 4.5x on points, and that is a no brainier to me. HINT HINT HINT – Did you know grocery stores sell 3rd party gift cards? 3rd Party Gift Cards Examples – Best Buy – Macys- Nordstrom – Staples – Fandango – Uber – Lyft – Chevron – Shell – Target – ETC. ANOTHER HINT HINT HINT – SHHHHHHH – Cant make 30 Transactions a month? Every Charge counts as a transaction. You could realistically perform multiple charges at a gas station, check out of a grocery store with multiple transactions, or MY FAVORITE, charge my credit card $1.00 at a time on and add to my online E-Gift Card Balance. Each $1.00 Counts as a transaction. Overall this is a Great card to get around 60,000 American Express Member Rewards Points points total a year on these cards for around $12,000.00 spend total if you and your significant other were to get the card. Not bad at all. If your solo you still would receive around 30,000 American Express Member Rewards points for $6000.00 in Groceries Spend + your additional Spend in the 3X Points Gas Category and 1.5X Poins in the Everything Else Category (Assuming you Maxed out your 30 transactions per statement period).
It should be noted Right Now American Express has a offer for 20,000 American Express Membership Rewards Points for $1,000 dollar spend within 3 Months. See Link Below to Apply Now.